You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
Rick Sanchez to Morty Smith in Rick & Morty Season 4, episode 3: One Crew over the Crewcoo’s Morty
Rick Sanchez to Morty Smith in Rick & Morty Season 4, episode 3: One Crew over the Crewcoo’s Morty
Rick Sanchez to the audience at HeistCon in Rick & Morty Season 4, episode 3: One Crew over the Crewcoo’s Morty
Have you ever TRIED to relax?! It is a paradox!/0 Comments/in Quote of the Day /by Wordy von Writish
Said by Jerry Smith to Mr. Meeseeks, Rick & Morty season 1, episode 5: Meeseeks and destroy.
Warning: major spoiler-alert if you’re not up to date with Rick and Morty. Duh. Kudos for Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland for bringing all these funny-as-hell characters into our lives!
Abradolf at Rick’s party
“Prepare to be emancipated from your own inferior genes!”
Abradolf Lincler was an experiment of Rick’s, combining the DNA of both Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler to create a morally neutral superleader. This did not work out, of course, for Abradolf struggled with his duality until his untimely demise.
Jerry and Mr. Meeseeks
“I’m Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!”
Meeseeks are creatures that spring into being from a Meeseeks Box to fulfill a singular purpose, after which they stop existing. Rick advises Beth, Jerry and Summer to keep their requests simple. Beth and Summer’s Meeseeks vanish quite quickly, but things get out of hand when chronically mediocre Jerry asks to get two strokes off his golf game. Chaos ensues.
Jerry and Risotto Groupon
“My kingdom was usurped by force with weapons and technologies supplied by your father-in-law!”
Assistant general manager of a restaurant on a planet where you can’t die, Risotto Groupon tries to get Jerry to assist in the assassination of Rick.
Rick and Mr. Poopybutthole
“Ooh, wee!”
We dedicated a whole post to this zany character. Read about the mystery behind his existence HERE! The bananalike creature is annoyingly upbeat, says ‘Ooh, wee’ a lot and might only exist in a parallel universe.
Mr. Goldenfold watching The Days and Nights of Mrs. Pancakes
“You don’t know me!”
This leading lady in a television show called The Days and Nights of Mrs. Pancakes, is a sassy gal. That’s about it.
Morty and Morty Jr.
“Destruction, domination!”
In the episode Raising Gazorpazorp, Morty has some fun with a sexrobot from the planet Gazorpazorp. Out pops his mutant-son, Morty Jr. This Gazorpazorpian hybrid loves death and violence, but Morty manages to calm his rapidly growing pink monstrosity down with the song Handy Hands. Later, Morty Jr. publishes his novel ‘My horrible father’.
Tammy and Birdperson
“Morty, you appear to be dying.”
Being Rick’s best friend means having comitted numerous atrocities in the name of freedom, basically rendering you a fugutive. Birdperson is a calm, collected, half-bird, half-person. In his mate-melding ceremony to Summer’s friend Tammy, shit hits the fan when the Galactic Federation bursts in.
Squanchy at Birdperson’s wedding
“Rick! Sqauncy party, bro!”
Squanchy is a Squanch from the planet Squanch, where the Birdpeople live. He likes to squanch and he can use an elixer in one of his teeth to become a kind of Squanch-hulk. (Yup, the word ‘squanch’ is basically a form of ‘smurf’.) Rick: “Squachy-culture is more contextual than literal. You just say what’s in your squanch and people understand.”
Million Ants at the Vindicator’s meeting
“A million times better!”
As part of the Vindicators, Million Ants is a superhero comprised of… a million ants. After having an affair with Supernova, his story ends rather drastic in the season three episode Vindicators 3: the Return of Worldender. A colony can’t function without a queen, you know.
King Flippy Nips from Pluto
“You really gave it to those guys at NASA.”
Being the king of Pluto must be a tough job. In Something Ricked This Way Comes, Jerry proclaims Pluto is a planet, in stead of a celestial dwarf. Morty and him get abducted because King Flippy Nips wants to use ‘Earth scientist’ Jerry’s statement to keep his loyal subjects satisfied. (He made the list because of his cool name, cute appearance and ruthlesness.)
To live is to risk it all. Otherwise you’re just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you./1 Comment/in Quote of the Day /by Wordy von Writish
Said by Rick Sanchez. (Rick & Morty, season 3, episode 2: Rickmancing the stone)
One of those characters is the bananalike Mr. Poopybutthole from season 2 episode 4: Total Rickall. The theory I’m going to discuss, and hopefully prove, involves his existence.
In this episode Uncle Steve is at the dinnertable with the Smiths. Rick is seen dumping limegreen stones with pink stuff on them in the garbage and subsequently shoots Uncle Steve in the head.
The family is shocked to discover that Steve is actually an alien parasite. Rick explains that the telepathic parasites embed themselves in memories, then use those to multiply and take over whole planets. “Somebody probably dragged it in on the bottom of their shoe or a piece of alien fruit.” Rick says. “Somebody?” Summer asks, eyebrow raised.
Suddenly Mr. Poopybutthole appears. Is he a parasite as well? The Smiths remember being stuck in an elevator after the Hulk-musical with MPB, only to be rescued by one Cousin Nicky from Jersey. (“I’m walking here!”) Character after character emerges, until the livingroom looks like a Where’s Waldo-page. Rick even breaks the fourth wall to point this out.
The Smiths try to figure out who’s real and who’s a parasite, but the memories make it a difficult task. Eventually Morty has Rick dragged to the garage to shoot him, when he discovers that the parasites can only generate happy memories. Morty has a bunch of bad memories about Rick, so he must be real. A pinkclad massacre ensues. All parasites are killed, yet MPB appears at the dinnertable again. Beth squints and shoots him, only to see real blood pouring from his little yellow body! Was he real the whole time? At the aftercreditsscene we see MBP recovering in the hospital…
So what’s the theory here? The theory is that we’re not in ‘our’ Rick C-137’s reality in two episodes. We’re watching a different set of Rick and Morty’s! We’re watching a reality in which MPB dóes exist.
Okay, Wordy, what’s the proof?
In the second episode of the season, Mortynight Run, we see Rick and Morty dropping off Jerry at a Jerry-daycare: Jerryboree. Rick fills in a form and gets a ticket stub with the number 5126, so they can get ‘their’ Jerry when they’re done adventuring. Yes, there are hundreds of Jerries dropped off by different versions of Rick and Morty. Rick says he wishes he was the version of him to come up with the idea of a Jerry-daycare. “That guy is rich.”
Now take a look at the form. With ‘dimension of your Jerry’ Rick writes N/A… Not applicable.
Does Rick even know which Jerry is with him? Apparently not. We do see ‘our’ Rick’s dimensionnumber however, so we know this is the Rick we’ve been with for more than a season.
We watch Rick and Morty get into an actionpacked adventure with an alien hitman and a singing fart. At the end of the episode Rick is seen putting green stones with pink things on them in his spaceship.
At Jerryboree Rick and Morty are retrieving their Jerry, when another set of Rick and Morty’s come and ask wether they have number 5126… Wait, what?
Rick swaps the Jerries and the episode ends.
Wait… Weren’t we following the Rick and Morty with ticket 5126 this whole episode? Aparently not, this is the proof. But this changes everything, Wordy! It does. That means that this other-reality Rick is the one that brought the parasite on board with the green stones in Mortynight Run and that we’re watching hím instead of ‘our’ Rick C-137 in Total Rickall. This Rick míght have a longtime family friend like MPB, since all the signs point at his existance in this reality. But what about the happy memories of the parasites? Look at this screenshot of the memory with MPB.
The family is stuck in an elevator, all looking pretty unhappy or annoyed. Morty has to pee, Summer already peed her pants and they’re, you know, stuck in a damn elevator. Not a happy memory! And guess what else… In the opening credits, MPB is there in every. single. shot. Do Rick, Morty, Summer and Mr. Poopybutthole look happy to you in the Cthulhu-shot?
Even in shots from episodes we’ve already seen, like Look who’s purging now, where MPB definitely wasn’t there, he pops up.
After all these clues, I think it’s pretty plausible that the Rick and Morty from Mortynight Run and Total Rickall are different ones and that, in their reality, Mr. Poopybutthole exists. What do you think? Wubba lubba dub dub!
This is just one of the many, many theories about this amazing show. We will see wether this theory will pan out and how many other eastereggs we can spot in season three.