Entries by Wordy von Writish

Ten tips to sucker punch your procrastination

Reading this article will cost you three minutes which you could also spend working. Interested? Then you’re most definitely the type of person who could use these tips against procrastination. You know how it goes. You have work to do, but all kinds of other things seem to pop up. Instead of just doing the […]

Disney family matters: Hercules and Ariel are related

Did you know that beloved Disney princess and mermaid Ariel and ultimate fitboy and demigod Hercules share ancestors? They are cousins. How do we figure? Well, settle in for a bit of Greek mythological history. Hercules’s father was Zeus. As most of us know, Zeus was quite infamous for sleeping around with all kinds of […]

Facebooking parents vs. the privacy of their child

If you are on Facebook, you can’t ignore the ‘proud parents’ posting about every cute, smart or funny thing their kid does. Sometimes it’s a video of said kid taking some wobbly steps or petting a goat. Other times it’s a quite disgusting picture of the kid trying and failing to eat ice cream. In […]