Author Archive for: Writey
About Writey McWordish
Writey likes to type things and utter opinions. A newsjunky, but he's in it for the fun (or so he says).
Entries by Writey McWordish
Breaking Bad: Down Under – Australia police finds 903kg
April 5, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishEver since the release of Breaking Bad, science teachers all over the world have had more success with keeping their pupils interested in chemistry by explaining episodes than following their actual course material. And it looks like some Asians have been paying attention. The Australian police found 903kg of Crystal Methamphetamine, the largest bust in […]
This is the carefree Pepsi Ad that’s getting backlash
April 5, 2017 /0 Comments/in News, Videos /by Writey McWordishUpdate: At least 100 killed by chemical attack in Syrian Idlib
April 5, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishThe chemical attack that struck Idlib, Syria yesterday is reported to have now killed at least 100 people. Reports of the use of sarin gas have now come from multiple sources. Medical responders have seen the effects of Assad attacks using the toxic chlorine gas. Sarin is one of the most dangerous nerve agents. There […]
Shocking: Irish anti-abortion clinic tells women sex kills
April 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishAn undercover investigation of the Times revealed that anti-abortion clinics have been advising women on contraception. They told women, who came to them seeking advice, they could die from having sex. The Times also recorded northern Irish Ask Majella telling women that abortion causes breast cancer. Gianna Care, a Dublin crisis pregnancy service, says all […]
Amanda Todd blackmailer to be extradited to Canada
April 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishUK Prime Minister completely wrong about Easter Eggs
April 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishTheresa May got it all wrong. The christian Prime Minister of the UK was completely outraged over the idea that the National Trust dropped the word “Easter” from their annual Easter Egg hunt. This story apparently came from from the Archbishop of York, who accused the National Trust of “airbrushing faith” from Easter. Theresa May, […]
Pokémon trainer meets Annoying Orange and yes, it’s annoying
April 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in Videos /by Writey McWordishGas attack. Syriasly?
April 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in News /by Writey McWordishSyria. Not quite at the top of our list of places to visit on a holiday. On the contrary. And somehow, people managed to just make it worse. And by people, we mean inhuman pieces of excrement that can go straight to whatever crappy version of a possible afterlife they believe in, for all we care. It´s 58 […]
No company in America has the right to normalize sexual harassment, and that includes Fox NewsApril 4, 2017 /0 Comments/in Quote of the Day /by Writey McWordish
Said by Lisa Bloom, attorney of Wendy Walsh. Walsh is accusing Bill O´Reilly of sexual harassment.